Online Coding Programs (Holiday &Term) for Years 7-12

Holiday Program 2023 enrolment is open!

Don't have Creative Kids Vouchers? No Worries! We still offer you $100 off on all our Computer Programming/Coding classes.

Unlock Your Future with Our Online Coding Programs

Be it an internship you wish to join to earn extra bucks whilst you are a student, or you are about to enter the corporate world, or it is a passion for you to learn coding, we offer online coding programs for Years 7 to 12 to make you prepare for the best of your future!

Course Catalogue

10 weeks Beginner level Coding Program (20 hours)

10 weeks Advanced level Coding Program (30 hours)

Online Coding Excellence for Middle Schoolers

Experience the best coding programs for middle school students at the convenience of your own environment. Every second is important for students as they grow and learn, and we wholeheartedly respect our students’ time by providing all classes online.

Who Can Join Our Online Coding Courses?

We have designed our coding bootcamp for the young budding coders and techies who aspires to be one in future.

Years 3 to 12 budding techies

Internship seeker

Job seeker

What Will You Learn in Our Coding Programs?

Yes, we teach hands-on coding programs to our students from scratch. We cover the whole world of coding for you! We acknowledge that gaming technology/coding is what is buzzing around, but trust us, it just accounts for a fraction of what actual coding programs are about.

We provide intensive coaching for very hot coding requirements in the job market, including Online Python Tutoring.

We cover python, .net, JAVA, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT for you. Like we said earlier, we cover the whole world of coding for you!

Course Structure and Design

Web Development Program Structure

10 Weeks Beginner Level Coding Program - Web development (30 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $600

  • Understanding the basics of web development
  • Introduction to HTML and its structure
  • Creating headings, paragraphs, and lists
  • Inserting images and links
  • Working with tables and forms in HTML
  • Understanding the role of CSS in web design
  • Applying styles to HTML elements using inline styles
  • Selecting HTML elements with CSS selectors
  • Applying colors, fonts, and backgrounds to elements
  • Understanding the CSS box model (margin, padding, borders)
  • Positioning elements on a page (static, relative, absolute)
  • Understanding the role of JavaScript in web development
  • Variables, data types, and operators in JavaScript
  • Conditional statements (if/else) in JavaScript
  • Looping structures (for/while) in JavaScript
  • Introduction to functions and their importance in JavaScript
  • Creating and using functions in JavaScript
  • Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript
  • Selecting and modifying HTML elements
  • Understanding the basics of responsive web design
  • Using media queries to create responsive layouts
  • Applying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts learned so far
  • Building a simple web page with responsive design
  • Overview of external libraries (e.g., jQuery) and APIs
  • Integrating libraries and making API calls with JavaScript
  • Overview of CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass)
  • Using variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS preprocessors

10 Weeks Advanced Level Coding Program - Web development (30 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $900

  • Semantic HTML elements and their significance
  • HTML5 features and APIs
  • CSS selectors, combinators, and specificity
  • CSS3 transitions, animations, and transforms
  • Responsive design principles and strategies
  • Media queries and breakpoints
  • Introduction to CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass)
  • Variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS preprocessors
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript
  • Prototypes, classes, and inheritance
  • Asynchronous programming with callbacks, promises, and async/await
  • Working with APIs and handling asynchronous data
  • Error handling and debugging asynchronous code
  • Advanced DOM manipulation techniques
  • Event delegation and working with complex event scenarios
  • Overview of design patterns and their application in JavaScript
  • Singleton, module, observer, and factory patterns
  • Using design patterns to enhance code structure and maintainability
  • Introduction to web APIs and their usage in web development
  • Making asynchronous HTTP requests with AJAX
  • Flexbox layout and advanced techniques
  • CSS Grid layout and responsive grid systems
  • Creating complex and responsive layouts with CSS
  • Optimizing website performance and loading speed
  • Minification, bundling, and caching strategies for CSS and JavaScript
  • Understanding the basics of web development
  • Introduction to HTML and its structure
  • Creating headings, paragraphs, and lists
  • Inserting images and links

Working with tables and forms in HTML

  • Utilizing browser developer tools for debugging and profiling
  • Debugging JavaScript code and inspecting the DOM

*2 Free hours

Python for Machine Learning Coding Program

10 Weeks Beginner Level Python for ML Coding Program (20 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $600

  • Overview of Python programming language
  • Setting up the Python development environment
  • Writing and running Python programs
  • Introduction to variables, data types, and operators in Python
  • Working with data structures in Python (lists, tuples, dictionaries)
  • Introduction to NumPy and its array operations
  • Working with data structures in Python (lists, tuples, dictionaries)
  • Introduction to NumPy and its array operations
  • Data visualization with Matplotlib library
  • Handling missing data
  • Data cleaning and feature scaling
  • Encoding categorical data
  • Understanding the basics of machine learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
  • Training and testing data
  • Linear regression
  • Polynomial regression
  • Evaluating regression models
  • Logistic regression
  • K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification
  • Decision tree algorithm
  • Random forests algorithm
  • Handling overfitting and improving model performance
  • K-means clustering
  • Hierarchical clustering
  • Evaluating clustering models
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Feature selection and extraction
  • Visualization of high-dimensional data
  • Cross-validation techniques
  • Performance metrics for regression and classification
  • Hyperparameter tuning
  • Overview of neural networks and deep learning
  • Building a simple neural network in Python
  • Introduction to popular deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras)
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Image preprocessing and augmentation
  • Training and evaluating CNN models
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Word embedding techniques
  • Text preprocessing and sentiment analysis

10 Weeks Advanced Level Python for ML Coding Program (30 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $900

  • Review of Python programming fundamentals
  • Advanced data manipulation with pandas library
  • Handling missing data, merging datasets, and advanced indexing
  • Advanced data visualization techniques with Matplotlib and Seaborn
  • Creating interactive visualizations with Plotly
  • Customizing plots and adding annotations
  • Feature engineering techniques for machine learning
  • Handling categorical variables and encoding schemes
  • Feature selection using statistical tests and domain knowledge
  • Advanced model evaluation techniques (ROC curves, precision-recall curves)
  • Evaluation metrics for imbalanced datasets
  • Interpreting evaluation results and choosing appropriate metrics
  • Multiple linear regression and handling multicollinearity
  • Ridge and Lasso regression for regularization
  • Hyperparameter tuning for regularization techniques
  • Logistic regression and handling class imbalance
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Naive Bayes and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
  • Decision tree algorithms and handling overfitting
  • Random Forests and Gradient Boosting
  • Evaluating ensemble models and interpreting feature importance
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its applications
  • Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
  • t-SNE for visualizing high-dimensional data
  • K-means clustering and hierarchical clustering
  • DBSCAN and density-based clustering
  • Evaluating clustering results and choosing the optimal number of clusters
  • Introduction to time series data and its properties
  • Time series decomposition and trend analysis
  • Forecasting using ARIMA and SARIMA models
  • Introduction to NLP and text preprocessing techniques
  • Text classification using Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines
  • Sentiment analysis and text generation
  • Introduction to neural networks and deep learning
  • Building and training deep learning models using TensorFlow/Keras
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification
  • Introduction to RNNs and their applications
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks
  • Sequence-to-sequence models and text generation

*2 Free hours

Introduction to Java Programming and Fundamentals

10 Weeks Beginner Level Java Coding Program (20 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $600

  • Overview of Java and its features
  • Setting up the Java development environment
  • Writing and running a simple Java program
  • Declaring variables and their types
  • Primitive data types and their usage
  • Arithmetic, assignment, and comparison operators
  • Conditional statements: if-else and switch
  • Looping statements: for, while, and do-while
  • Break and continue statements
  • Declaring and initializing arrays
  • Accessing array elements and array length
  • Introduction to Array List and its usage
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Classes and objects in Java
  • Methods, parameters, and return types
  • Encapsulation and data hiding in Java
  • Access modifiers: public, private, protected, and default
  • Getters and setters for encapsulated data
  • Inheritance and its benefits in OOP
  • Extending classes and creating sub-classes
  • Method overriding and inheritance hierarchy
  • Polymorphism and dynamic method binding
  • Method overloading and overriding

Upcasting and downcasting objects

  • Organizing classes into packages
  • Importing classes from different packages
  • Creating and using user-defined packages
  • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
  • Throwing and propagating exceptions
  • Using finally block and multiple catch blocks
  • Reading and writing data to files
  • Creating, deleting, and renaming files
  • Using file streams for input/output operations
  • Overview of Java Collections framework
  • ArrayList, LinkedList, and HashSet
  • Iterating over collections and common operations
  • Understanding generics and type parameters
  • Creating generic classes and methods
  • Using generic collections and wildcard types

10 Weeks Advanced Level Python for ML Coding Program (30 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $900

  • Overview of Java and its features
  • Setting up the Java development environment
  • Writing and running a simple Java program
  • Declaring variables and their types
  • Primitive data types and their usage
  • Arithmetic, assignment, and comparison operators
  • Conditional statements: if-else and switch
  • Looping statements: for, while, and do-while
  • Break and continue statements
  • Declaring and initializing arrays
  • Accessing array elements and array length
  • Introduction to ArrayList and its usage
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Classes and objects in Java
  • Methods, parameters, and return types
  • Encapsulation and data hiding in Java
  • Access modifiers: public, private, protected, and default
  • Getters and setters for encapsulated data
  • Inheritance and its benefits in OOP
  • Extending classes and creating sub-classes
  • Method overriding and inheritance hierarchy
  • Polymorphism and dynamic method binding
  • Creating abstract classes and abstract methods
  • Implementing interfaces and interface inheritance
  • Using abstract classes and interfaces in Java
  • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
  • Throwing and propagating exceptions \
  • Using finally block and multiple catch blocks
  • Reading and writing data to files
  • Creating, deleting, and renaming files
  • Using file streams for input/output operations
  • Overview of Java Collections framework
  • ArrayList, LinkedList, and HashSet
  • Iterating over collections and common operations
  • Understanding generics and type parameters
  • Creating generic classes and methods
  • Using generic collections and wildcard types
  • Basics of multithreading and concurrency
  • Creating and running threads in Java
  • Synchronization and thread communication

*2 Free hours

Introduction to .NET Programming and Fundamentals

10 Weeks Beginner Level .NET Coding Program (20 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $600

  • Overview of .NET Framework and its components
  • Introduction to C# programming language
  • Setting up the .NET development environment
  • Writing and running a simple C# program
  • Declaring variables and their types in C#
  • Primitive data types and their usage
  • Arithmetic, assignment, and comparison operators in C#
  • Control flow statements: if-else, loops, and switch in C#
  • Understanding methods and parameter passing
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in C#
  • Creating classes and objects in C#
  • Encapsulation and access modifiers
  • Constructors and object initialization
  • Understanding inheritance and its benefits in OOP
  • Creating derived classes and base class references
  • Polymorphism and method overriding
  • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
  • Throwing and catching exceptions
  • Using finally block and multiple catch blocks
  • Working with arrays in C#
  • Introduction to collection classes (List, Dictionary, etc.)
  • Iterating over collections and common operations
  • Reading from and writing to files
  • Using StreamReader and StreamWriter classes
  • Managing file paths and file operations
  • Overview of ASP.NET framework
  • Introduction to web applications and web development concepts
  • Creating a simple ASP.NET web application
  • Understanding web forms and their components
  • Working with server controls (TextBox, Button, etc.)
  • Handling user input and events
  • Performing form validation in ASP.NET
  • Using validation controls (RequiredFieldValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, etc.)
  • Overview of ASP.NET MVC framework
  • Understanding the MVC architectural pattern
  • Creating a basic ASP.NET MVC application

10 Weeks Advanced Level .NET Coding Program (30 hours/ 2 hours each week) @ $900

  • Overview of advanced .NET concepts
  • Asynchronous programming and multi-threading
  • Memory management and garbage collection
  • Delegates and events
  • Generics and generic collections
  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
  • Advanced exception handling techniques
  • Logging frameworks (e.g., NLog, log4net)
  • Best practices for error handling and logging
  • Working with ADO.NET for data access
  • Connecting to databases
  • Executing queries and retrieving data
  • Introduction to Entity Framework
  • Creating data models and database migrations
  • Performing CRUD operations using Entity Framework
  • Overview of ASP.NET Web API
  • Creating RESTful APIs
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Implementing authentication and authorization in ASP.NET
  • Using ASP.NET Identity for user management
  • Securing API endpoints and resources
  • Customizing routes and URL patterns
  • Filters and action attributes
  • Advanced view techniques (partials, layouts, etc.)
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core framework
  • Building cross-platform applications
  • Working with middleware and dependency injection
  • Introduction to SignalR
  • Creating real-time communication between server and client
  • Building chat applications and real-time updates
  • Introduction to unit testing and test-driven development (TDD)
  • Using NUnit or MSTest for unit testing
  • Writing effective unit tests for .NET applications
  • Caching techniques in .NET applications
  • Performance profiling and optimization strategies
  • Using caching libraries (e.g., MemoryCache, Redis)
  • Web performance optimization techniques
  • Client-side frameworks (Angular, React, etc.) with .NET
  • Building responsive and mobile-friendly web applications

*2 Free hours